How to manage personnel on Two Point Hospital

On Two Point Hospital, you will control a large number of staff, and two things are really important. One of them is staff training, and the other is the morale of the staff. If you correctly control these two things, you can effectively manage personnel.

This leadership covers all the details that you need to know about personnel management on Two Point Hospital.

How to manage staff training on Two Point Hospital

Below you will find detailed information about the moral spirit of personnel and staff training so that you can effectively manage your personnel.

Personnel can be taught using the Start training function, which will allow your employees to master new skills or improve existing ones.

An employee of a higher level will have more slots of skills to choose from. Each employee should be provided with proper space, so an office should be created to facilitate this.

You can choose an employee you want to train; Otherwise, employees voluntarily train when they are ready.

To start training, you must send an employee you want to train to the training room.

The number of internships placed in the room determines how many employees can be trained at the same time.

The staff of any profession can be trained in their specific skill, whether it be a janitor, a nurse or a doctor.

No matter how skills it is necessary to train an employee, there should be an instructor who can teach this skill.

The coach may be an existing employee with the skill that needs to be trained, or if not one of the employees has this skill yet, then it is necessary to hire the invited coach; They cost a lot.

Two Finally, each training course takes a certain time. As a rule, a unit of time in the game is a second in real time.

During the training period, employees will stop their usual duties, that is, any operations, treatment or functions that they performed will be terminated.

Thus, you should not assign all employees of the same role for learning, but should leave some free to overdo work to the interns.

Below you will find detailed information about all employees and their skills.

Dr. skills

General practice

The skill of general practice will increase the effectiveness of your doctors in general practitioners. This is achieved by increasing the number of diagnoses at each visit. Ultimately, this will help reduce the number of visits to your patients, will allow them to cure them faster and reduce long lines.

This is perhaps the most important skill that your doctors should possess. It is recommended that at least 50-60% of your doctors have a general practice. General practice can reach five levels.

General practice i

Advanced training of general practitioners.. increases diagnostic skills by 15% in the doctor’s office. To do this, you need 240 units.

General practice II

Advanced training of general practitioners. Increases diagnostic skills by 15% in the doctor’s office. To do this, you need 320 units.

General practice III

Advanced skills for diagnostics of general practice. Increases diagnostic skills by 15% in the doctor’s office. To do this, you need 360 units.

General practice IV

Elite diagnostics of general practice doctors. Increases diagnostic skills by 15% in the doctor’s office. To do this, you need 420 units.

General practice v

The skills of diagnosing doctors of general world-class practice. Increases diagnostic skills by 15% in the doctor’s office. To do this, you need 480 units.


This skill will allow your doctors to diagnose in some specially designated rooms, such as x-ray, Mega Scan and DNA laboratory.

Do not forget not to improve this qualification in the conditions of insolation, but to combine it with any additional skill, such as genetics or radiology. Since most of the diagnostics are carried out by nurses, it is better to combine it with genetics or radiology. The qualification of the diagnosis has 5 levels:

Diagnostics I

Increasing diagnostic skills. This increases diagnostic skills by 10%. To do this, you need 240 training units.

Diagnostics II

Improved diagnostic skills. This increases diagnostic skills by 10%. To do this, you need 300 training units.

Diagnostics III

Advanced diagnostic skills. This increases diagnostic skills by 10%. To do this, you need 360 training units.

Diagnostics IV

Elite diagnostic skills. This increases diagnostic skills by 10%. To do this, you need 420 training units.

Diagnostics v

World-class diagnostics skills. This increases diagnostic skills by 10%. To do this, you need 480 training units.


This qualification will allow you to work in the psychiatry office, and its increase will increase the effectiveness and rate of treatment. Buying some objects for kudoshi will help improve the room and increase the effectiveness of treatment.

Psychiatry I

Doctors can work in psychiatry. This requires 240 training units.

Psychiatry 2

Increasing psychiatric skills. This increases your treatment skill in psychiatry and diagnostic skills by 20% each. To do this, you need 300 training units.

Psychiatry III

Advanced psychiatric skills. This increases your treatment skill in psychiatry and diagnostic skills by 20% each. To do this, you need 360 training units.

Psychiatry IV

Elite psychiatric skills. This increases your treatment skill in psychiatry and diagnostic skills by 20% each. To do this, you need 420 training units.

Psychiatry v

World-class psychiatry skills increase your treatment skills in psychiatry and diagnostic skills in psychiatry by 20% each. To do this, you need 480 training units.


The qualification of treatment is best combined with the skill of improving the machine. Both of these skills work well together to cure more serious illnesses. It is recommended to have a doctor with qualifications for treatment IV paired with level III in the field of genetics or psychiatry. They will be especially useful in the fight against DNA laboratory diseases.


Improving therapeutic skills. This increases treatment skills by 10%, and you need 240 training units.

Treatment II

Improved treatment skills. This increases treatment skills by 10%, and you need 300 training units.

Treatment III

Advanced treatment skills. This increases treatment skills by 10%, and you need 360 training units.

Treatment IV

Elite treatment skills. This increases treatment skills by 10%, and you need 420 training units.

Treatment V

World-class treatment skills. This increases treatment skills by 10%, and you need 480 training units.

Research work

The study skill gives your employees access to the research room. This is the most important qualification that will help your hospital grow in the future.

Conducting research is another source of additional income. Return to the University of Mitton is an effective way to unlock all research in the game, since the level is very simple.

Remember that you can return to Mitton University when you treat new diseases or examine a new room. At the same time, the study stops at a high percentage of completion and allows another researcher to fulfill it to the end in order to earn additional experience.

Many also use the same method for finding money when you have few funds for your hospital.

It is also recommended to receive qualifications to the 4th level, because The jump from 3rd to 4th level is very significant; The same jump from 4 levels is not worth it.

Research I

This allows the doctor to engage in research. 240 training units are required. The doctor can accumulate 1 test point per second.

Research II

Improved research skills. Increases research skills by 50%, and the number of necessary training units is 300. The doctor can accumulate 1.6 research points per second.

Research III

Advanced research skills. Increases research skills by 50%, and the number of necessary training units is 360. The doctor can accumulate 3.2 research points per second.

Research IV

Advanced research skills. Increases research skills by 50%, and the number of necessary training units is 420. The doctor can accumulate 6.0 research points per second.

Research v

World-class research skills. Increases research skills by 50%, and the number of necessary training units is 480. The doctor can accumulate 7.0 research points per second.


With this qualification, you can use the Mega scanner and expand your diagnostic capabilities using an X-ray picture. This is an extremely useful skill for doctors prone to diagnosis.


This is a one-time qualification that will open access to the DNA laboratory for you.

Panbrait manner

Get this skill to increase the level of happiness of the patient, increasing the interaction between the doctor and the patient. You must use this skill for your doctors of general practice or diagnostic doctors to reduce the number of angry patients leaving before the start of treatment.

nurse skills


Nurses will perform most of the diagnostic work in the game, so the presence of several nurses who increase this skill is ideal for effective diagnosis. Combining this with the offices of the therapist, you can also reduce the number of queries.


Most of the treatment of patients will be performed by nurses. The number of patients in the wards of fractures, clown clinics and injection rooms will be large, so it is important to have a large number of nurses qualified for treatment.

injection administration

Combine this only qualification skill with treatment to achieve effective results. You can also update the master of jeb to use it.


Another qualification skill that can be combined with the qualification treatment. You can also update your mixer to get effective results.

Office of the arrival

This qualification will improve your effectiveness in FRACTURE WARDS and WARDS. You do not need to maximize this; Several levels can be of great importance in combination with treatment or diagnosis, which will help increase overall effectiveness.

Panbrait manner

Get this skill to increase the level of happiness of the patient, increasing the interaction between the nurse and the patient.

You must make sure that no patient will go to treatment. Recommended for any nurse with qualifications 3 or higher.

Cleaner skills


This skill will help you the janitor to repair cars with greater efficiency and speed. It will also allow them to automatically maintain equipment as soon as the service falls below 50%.


Obtaining this qualification will allow janitors to modernize the equipment. This skill will be important when managing a level of level 3 or higher. You must specialize one person at several levels of this skill instead of having several low-level ones.

Capture Ghost

This one-time qualifications will help you get rid of annoying ghosts and simplify research. It will also help your patients communicate with their loved ones.

Assistant skills

Customer service

This skill is necessary for each assistant, as it allows patients to treat patients faster. You must combine this skill with several improvements in endurance and motivation to become an effective assistant.


Improve your marketing skills with this qualification. The higher the qualifications in this skill, the more complete and effective the work of your assistants will be.

How to manage the moral spirit of staff in a two-point hospital

To manage the moral spirit of your staff on Two Point Hospital, you must make sure that they are happy. Even if you pay them a little less, you must make sure that you give them the main amenities.

You can provide them with a room for staff where they can relax. The staff room should have benches, a sheet stand, a machine for drinks and a machine gun for snacks. By providing these amenities, make sure that you also have garbage tanks nearby.

The hospital should be completely removed properly, and its temperature should be normal so that your staff does not have to work in high temperature conditions.

Not only for staff, make sure that you have everything you need for patients. Because if patients are unhappy, they will go to another hospital.

If possible, increase the salary of employees to make them happier. Personnel with a high moral spirit will quickly cure patients.

Maintaining a high moral spirit is also important for the effective management of your staff on Two Point Hospital. If the moral of your staff is high, it will be easier for you to manage it and get the best results.


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