Modern Warfare 2: Two secret maps are found by the community; See images

If we recently discovered that the dear Rust map is, in fact, present in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, the community has now found two other known Multiplayer fans maps, more precisely through the Embassy map.

Two iconic maps discovered in Embassy

If you follow Call of Duty news, you know this Modern Warfare 2 should benefit during the year 2023 from a large DLC with the return of iconic franchise maps. Well, good news for more dedicated fans, because more and more things are going to be forwarding to happen.

It was on the social network Reddit that the information was shared by two netizens, and one responded under the nick of i-needed-memes and the second under the nickname of loop_dub .

Under the first user's posting, there is a small video excerpt where the player is in spectator mode and thus can walk to discover the surroundings of the Embassy-E map to our surprise, then see what seems to be the High rise Map . Already in the second post we discovered this time, still through Embassy, the terminal map .

Seeing these two maps appear is not astounding, especially terminal, because if you finished the game campaign you are aware that we should be entitled to the return of the famous mission in Russian, which takes place on the terminal map.


Grande DLC on the horizon for Modern Warfare 2

The community should be patient just before we see new maps in Modern Warfare 2. However, thanks to Activision's last financial report, we could confirm that there is an extensive DLC plan for Modern Warfare 2, and according to the Journalist Jason Schrader, there are new campaigns missions-here we certainly expect in Russian), as well as several iconic maps intended for Infinity Ward multiplayer.

As a reminder, the first season of Modern Warfare 2 and Call of Duty: War zone 2.0 starts on November 16.


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