Bayer again with Captain Hradecky

Football Bundesligist Bayer Leverkusen can compete with goalkeeper and captain Lukas Hradecky on Saturday (18.30 pm / Sky) against VFB Stuttgart. Due to a COVID 19 infection, the Finnish National Torwart had last not played at 5: 2 in Dortmund.

"He's free-tested and healthy," said Trainer Gerardo Seoane on Friday on the press conference of the factory club: "He is in a good shape." Because of a muscle injury, Ivor Odilon Kossounou is not available against Stuttgart.

Does Bundesliga goalkeeper really know all flags in the world? | ???????????????????????? Lukas Hradecky in flag QUIZ

Despite the clear favorite role for Bayer, Seoane warns before the opponent: "Stuttgart also has many tempo players in the offensive department. The team is currently being struck at the moment. It is a team that tries to play football and has very good approaches."

The clear victory in the signal Iduna Park of Dortmund last Sunday, of course, lead that "one takes self-confidence, but every game starts at zero. It is another opponent and another starting position," emphasized Seoane.


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