Ghostwire Tokyo will leave on March 25, according to the PlayStation Store

The new Shinji Mikami is going to be published, it seems, March 25. That is the launch date for Ghostwire Tokyo that was filtered yesterday at the PlayStation Store - or 24, according to the region of the digital store; It seems more likely that we will catch us on Friday.

The third game of Gameworks tango was delayed until early 2022 in July last year, so the thing stables a lot.

GhostWire: I still have the feeling that we have spoken little about Ghostwire Tokyo . Yes several things have been commented around (the march of Ikumi Nakamura, who presented the game at E3 2019 as a creative director and left the study two or three months later; the theme of temporary exclusivity in PS5 and PC Little Before Xbox announced the purchase of Bethesda), but I think they have lacked motives to focus on the playable experience that Prop1. I do not know if it is due to lack of information or lack of interest -probably, or at least in my case, A bit of both -, but I understand that someone should have certain desire to change that; It is easy to think about rumors about an State of Play sooner than late.


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