SIFU will require several Runs to discover all its secrets

SFU is one of those games that caught attention from your official announcement. Developed by LOCAL, this title will allow us to fight under the perspective of a true Lungful teacher. During the revenge trip of him, The protagonist will uncover some mysteries to take into account, but not all will be revealed during the initial game. This hlaunch SLOCLAP been dropped by Pierre Arno, executive producer of the video game, in an interview given to MP1st:

The duration of the campaign will vary depending on the Lungful skills of the players. In what is referred to value of the reputability, there are a couple of secret secrets in the game, so maybe you need several Runs to understand everything.

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No modes of difficulty, at lelaunch SLOCLAPt in the launch

LOCAL wants to make sure that Sight is a challenging game for the player. In the same interview, the producer explained that the idea is that the user learns, improve and adapts to the situation launch SLOCLAP he's advancing. By dying, the protagonist hlaunch SLOCLAP the ability to resurrect, so they should understand the errors and apply that learning in the following items. You will need to dominate the combat system, he said. Of course, even if they will not include difficulty selector when the game reaches the market, the study does not rule out to do it later, although they do not guarantee that this will end up occurring.

SFU is under development for PS4, PS5 and PC, with a launch planned for the next February 8, after the adequate wlaunch SLOCLAP announced from the date (initially it wlaunch SLOCLAP going to be commercialized on February 22).

This title of action and martial arts will put us in the skin of a very young but expert warrior, which at age 20 will have to chlaunch SLOCLAPe a group of murderers on a trip with revenge flavor.


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